New: Teletherapy

I am currently conducting remote psychotherapy through video conferencing and telephone sessions Teletherapy has the same purpose or intention as face-to-face psychotherapy. I am committed to providing high-quality teletherapy services. Most of my approaches, including EMDR, can be adapted for remote purposes. If you are located outside of the State of Colorado, please review this map to see if your state falls under PSYPACT.


Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) as granted by the PSYPACT Commission. Issued: 04/11/2024.  APIT number : 18230

As with any form of psychotherapy there are benefits as well as risks. If you are interested in participating in this form of therapy with me, please be sure to review this consent form before completing an appointment request or calling (303) 898-7583. I look forward to hearing from you!

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